Human Relationships With Technology A Photo Essay by Blake Grossman

Aerial view of our modern day concrete jungle society infused with technology.
Enter the modern digital world. Some see it as a concrete jungle; while for others an almost ‘outer space’ for technology and creativity to flourish.
Caveman interacting with the future.
The Universe’s Creation can be explained differently depending on who you ask. Who is for certain? The answer is untrue, but technology itself can sure be seen as a miracle. While one part can be explained, the sum of the parts together is something beyond.
Man immersed by his computer, mentally and spiritually.
These newfound devices connect with us in more ways than one. They control our mental state of being, our interests, our focus. It’s almost is if these devices have become spiritually intertwined with our state of being; for better or for worse.
Group of friends all immersed in their own worlds, disregarding the presence of each other.
We have become so connected to these devices, that we have lost the human aspect of life. Engrossed in our own worlds, we have stopped appreciating the comfort and company of others. Instead, we are entertained in our own little worlds, disregarding the world around us.
Bloodshot eye connected to the digital world.
How engrossed have we become? It feels as if I can’t look away from my phone sometimes. It will hurt to look at, and yet I will still continue to use these devices for pleasure or for not. The way this technology has made us hardwired to consume it has made us burnt out.
A watch infused into ones skin, showcasing the reliance we have on modern technology.
We are losing time due to this technology. While in one aspect, technology speeds up our lives and gives us the world at our fingertips; our reliance on this technology has become so engrained into our own selves that its almost quite literally apart of us. Just looking at Apple Watches and Google Eyeglasses, will it only be a matter of time until this technology is infused into our bodies?
Futuristic robot doing surgery on a human heart.
The future is uncertain. The disparity of human and robot is becoming closer every single day. AI and automation is making tools that exponentially speed up certain tasks and processes. How long will it be until we are trusting our own lives into the hands of our creations?
Man consumed by the large amount of technology surrounding him.
Understanding the answers to these questions can be time consuming. If we think about it for too long, we will become obsessed. As humans, we want to understand what cannot be understood. This technology has become God, and everything that matters to us when considering what these devices resemble and can represent.
The growth digital media has taken into our lives cannot be undermined. More and more of our days are being consumed by digital media; AKA our brains and eyes glued to the phones.
Us handing over money to a robot, resembling the obsolete nature of currency in the world of technology.
The revolution is here. We are seeing such advanced progress occurring right before us, that the paradigm between humans and robots is becoming apparent. What will become obsolete in the future remains to be seen…
Man and robot having a hard time accomplishing a simple task of opening a jar.
Who will control this knowledge? Who will be in power? How will we know if these machines end up malfunctioning? Trivial tasks could become difficult if we depend on these creations too much. What could result is a generation of inadequacy and unenthusiastic individuals.
Bowing down to the machines we have created.
Bow down to the new God. The new government. We are looking at the future.
Kids running in a vast green pasture with an ominous figure looking over them, symbolizing large media corporations.
The omnipresence of media is everywhere. Our children are the target of mass produced content, aimed to be as addicting and absorbing as possible. While some see it as a safe haven for your own personal interests and beliefs, the higher ups may have other plans..
Sunset in a beautiful field where poles and electrical wires still remain.
The sun sets every night to help us understand that tomorrow is a new day. While this technology has become irremovable from our lives, the beauty of this planet called Earth still remains. We can sit and dwell about what the world has become, or we can appreciate what we still have left. Nature is all around us if we look for it, we just have to put down our phones and take it all in. Breathe in the breath of life and exhale your discomfort. Everything is going to be okay.

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